Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Now this happened a while back on two of my other characters. One is my Death Knight and the other is my Warlock. (I am indeed an altoholic.)

The first happened after a guild meeting to a friend of mine while he was goofing around on Redridge's buildings. He was up on the hill hoping around on the big houses roof and well... Look...

He gone done got stuck... Or Santa became a Death Knight. Now when I posted this I had just hit level 80 on that character. That was what 3 months ago? I don't work on her much except gathering minerals for gold.

Now this one was more recent... Happened 3 weeks ago on my Warlock back when she was level 51 I think. A group of 40 people all 80s except me (I had a good escort, my guild leader.) We raided the major Horde Cities for the "For the Alliance" achievement. You win a Black War Bear mount if you get it. And this is some of us, in Dalaran, LOLing outside the Horde stronghold all nice in a line.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Welcome to the Storm

Hello all! Welcome to my blog where I post about my experiences in World of Warcraft as an Alliance side player.
I chose to start this now for a few reasons. And I shall list them.
1) Experiences in World of Warcraft prior to the launch of Cataclysm for those who picked up the game post 3rd expansion launch who want to know what it was like. This is a big reason why, because, I often myself wonder what it was like prior to Wrath of the Lich King and even back in Vanilla WoW.
2) I have many issues with the game (as it stands) that I want to get out as well as things that make me smile.
3) Not many girl commentators on WoW... yeah... I'm fixing that problem now.

Well welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy my rantings and experiences in the game as well as the pictures I post showing interesting, angering and funny things. (As well as adorable, but I am a girl so expect a few things.) I will continue this blog through Cataclysm launch to show you what it's like fighting crowds on massively populated servers.

Eventually I will have Fraps and I will post videos on my You Tube page. But for right now, no dice. I need to save money for Cataclysm Collectors Edition. Two of them. One is a birthday gift for my friend. Shhh. ;)