Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 2

Well, things are going well. I made myself a Worgen Druid and tried out the new starting zone, save for one or two quests its pretty good. The one I enjoyed the most is getting on the horde battle ship at the end and crashing it. Unfortunately, I forgot to screen cap my worgen journey for you. I will for Goblins however.

If you want quality phasing events I would roll Worgen. I heard that the Goblin zone is pretty epic and very cute and gimmicky I can not wait to try that tonight.

Sorry for the short update, I just wanted to say all was going well and as you can see I am posting a bit more often. When I get better at keeping a schedule about this I will definitely start nitpicking at skills, classes, quests and such.

Monday, December 6, 2010

P2P vs F2P

One of my friends, Wind brought this up last night when we were having a discussion about MMORPGs. The difference between Pay to Play; also known as Subscription, and Free to Play; or Micro-transactions.

Many people have opinions on this subject matter so I thought I would get mine out there as well. In my opinion, P2P is better; in most cases. Some cases it's... meh.... at best. Over all, World of Warcraft is a great MMO. They have made mistakes yes, like, ALL OF WRATH, for instance. But they made up for it with tomorrow's highly anticipated release of Cataclysm.

I have already tasted some of the content. As you are highly aware, 4.0.3a or "The Shattering" was released two weeks ago. And with it tons of content. The new world was reshaped with over 3,000 new quests.

Now I did roll an alt, I love alts now. I rolled a Dwarf Shaman to experience the new zones. And what an improvement. I am very proud to be a subscriber to WoW now. I hope the raiding content is as juicy!

Now a bad example of a P2P in my personal opinion was Dark Ages. Not Dark Ages of Camelot; This Dark Ages. At one point they were good under Nexon. (I will get to Nexon in a minute) But under Kru... it became aweful. Now it is a 10 buck a month sub plus you micro transaction! Not only that I believe they stopped enforcing the role-play only rule which is a crying shame. That is the biggest reason I liked that game back in 2004 over six years ago under Nexon.

When it was under Nexon it was just sub only, no micro transactions and I felt it was a decent game with how much you paid. Plus I felt that role-play added to the uniqueness of Dark Ages. Now they give you the option to do micro-transactions as well and you know subbers are purchasing from their item shop.

Free to plays; this is a tenuous subject at best. There are some that are good and some that are really bad. One such example of a good F2P is DDO (Dungeons & Dragons Online). It has micro-transactions, yes, but they don't force it down your throat in my opinion. Some races/classes are only available through purchase but the core of them are free. Some dungeon runs are available through purchase as well but you don't have to do them.

Another good one I recently got into is League of Legends. It may be a PvP but it doesn't force you to buy anything. You can also buy things with points you earn as you play. Since I am so new to the game I can not explain it well. I recommended you go here and watch this video. TotalBiscuit explains the game way better than I could.

Now an example of a bad F2P can be summed up in two words. Maple Story.

That's it. I hate that game. Nexon has become a bunch of money grabbing monsters. Not only that it is impossible to level in that game without going nuts. I mean, the level cap is 200! And at that level, I kid you not, you need 1,697,021,059 experience to max out and hit 200. Do you know how long that takes? Let me give you an idea. I played that back in 2005 to 2007 I went to level 62 in that time and stopped. I quit that game.

And that isn't the only reason that game sucks, oh no. It is rampant with Meso farmers, botters, hackers and a variety of other low lives. And the GM's rarely do a damn thing about it. They just sit there raking in there millions a month from their cash shop and occasionally put out new content.

Don't play this game. Ever.

In closing, I feel that games that require you to subscribe, in general, hold a higher standard of service and are willing to learn from their mistakes and admit when their wrong. I would gladly sub over a F2P game any day. And you can look for me to try out The Old Republic and give my feedback on that. If you want quality gaming, buy them, sub to them. You will not be dissatisfied.

And that is my take on the P2P vs F2P argument.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

3.0.4 "The Shattering"

Well, the patch that has been dubbed "The Shattering" happened today. So far I am extremely pleased with the results. Though, I have been leveling my Druid in Outland; from what I can see on my draenei mage, things are way better.
There are more flight points, better graphics, awesome music and not to mention new race/class combos and two new starting zones for trolls and gnomes.

Also some of my guild got together in Booty Bay and held a "Goodbye Azeroth" party. Totally out of character of course. No roleplaying. Here are a few pics of it. Enjoy and I will update more later on.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Patch 4.0.1!

Well as we all know by now, Cataclysm is fast approaching with the new expansion is releasing on December 7th! I already ordered my collectors edition as well as my room mates. (Late birthday gift.) With this I will start posting my likes and dislikes of the new features of the pre-cata patch.

Hand of Gul'dan: I love this skill. Here is what it does, word for word from the game. "Summons a falling meteor down upon the enemy target, dealing 1430 to 1688 Shadow damage and erupts an aura of magic within 4 yards, causing all targets within it to have an increased 10% chance to be critically hit by any of your demons. The aura lasts for 15 sec." That is really nice for PvE solo. Not to mention it has a 12 second cool down. So you could just turn to a new mob and use it again. Now I must note that this description is at rank 1. There is also a Talent that effects this skill, making it very powerful. Highly recommended if you are in the demonology tree.

But the downside is, you have only 3 usable shards in combat that appear below your picture UI in the upper left.

As I discover more of the big changes in classes, I will post them before Cataclysm comes out.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Now this happened a while back on two of my other characters. One is my Death Knight and the other is my Warlock. (I am indeed an altoholic.)

The first happened after a guild meeting to a friend of mine while he was goofing around on Redridge's buildings. He was up on the hill hoping around on the big houses roof and well... Look...

He gone done got stuck... Or Santa became a Death Knight. Now when I posted this I had just hit level 80 on that character. That was what 3 months ago? I don't work on her much except gathering minerals for gold.

Now this one was more recent... Happened 3 weeks ago on my Warlock back when she was level 51 I think. A group of 40 people all 80s except me (I had a good escort, my guild leader.) We raided the major Horde Cities for the "For the Alliance" achievement. You win a Black War Bear mount if you get it. And this is some of us, in Dalaran, LOLing outside the Horde stronghold all nice in a line.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Welcome to the Storm

Hello all! Welcome to my blog where I post about my experiences in World of Warcraft as an Alliance side player.
I chose to start this now for a few reasons. And I shall list them.
1) Experiences in World of Warcraft prior to the launch of Cataclysm for those who picked up the game post 3rd expansion launch who want to know what it was like. This is a big reason why, because, I often myself wonder what it was like prior to Wrath of the Lich King and even back in Vanilla WoW.
2) I have many issues with the game (as it stands) that I want to get out as well as things that make me smile.
3) Not many girl commentators on WoW... yeah... I'm fixing that problem now.

Well welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy my rantings and experiences in the game as well as the pictures I post showing interesting, angering and funny things. (As well as adorable, but I am a girl so expect a few things.) I will continue this blog through Cataclysm launch to show you what it's like fighting crowds on massively populated servers.

Eventually I will have Fraps and I will post videos on my You Tube page. But for right now, no dice. I need to save money for Cataclysm Collectors Edition. Two of them. One is a birthday gift for my friend. Shhh. ;)