Friday, January 14, 2011

Raid Advice

If you think you could just run into ICC and roflstomp all those bosses now that you are 85, you got another thing coming. Especially in 25 man. The fights themselves, as we know, do not have difficult mechanics; It is the fact you have to coordinate 25 people to work those mechanics right.
For the first few times of Blood Queen Lana'thel, Sindragosa and Lich King you will wipe. Shake it off kids because there is a difference between hearing or watching videos of the fights and actually doing them. Once you experienced them it will become easier.
With this, I do ask you, please for the love of all that is good, do not rage quit after one wipe in a raid. Raids are essentially giant wipe-fests. Heroics are the same but for masochists that say "Oh yessir, please, more pain".
I have yet to expirence a Heroic raid as they only started showing in Ulduar. But from what I have seen in videos, granted things are harder than they look. It is a huge pain.

Now for the topic of this post. Raid Advice and Etiquette. Keep these in mind as you raid, or even dungeon.

1. Know the fights. If you don't inform the group before the first pull to help you learn. (Example: "I just wish to say I do not know this dungeon/raid/boss, can you please help me?)
2. Inform the group if you go afk. It is polite to do so.
3. Get out of the fire. This goes for all bad AoEs. Defile, Lightening. Everything that does nasty things. Your healers appreciate it.
4. Take advantage of positive things. Such as, Buffs like Altiarus' Upwind and Downwind mechanic. Or even Bio Breaks. Use the bathroom on breaks guys. Its helpful so we don't wait up on you.
5. Don't panic or get frustrated. The "don't panic" is more for healers. Watching those health bars drop can not be fun, but if you take a deep breath and calm down, you think clearly and place your heals right. Getting frustrated is raid wide. If you wipe, big deal. Shake it off, go back in, eat and drink, buff up, talk strategy and try again.

That is all for now and as an added bonus, here is the Lich King raid run pics that inspired this post. Err ignore the naked Worgen there. I am the non name-plated Nelf Druid with a green pony tail.

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