Monday, January 10, 2011


I have updated my twitter account to reflect my blog. I will be posting there when I am livestreaming as well as minor updates. If you wish to follow me, go to

Also, It appears that no one has beaten all the heroic raid bosses yet. But Paragon on Lightening Blade EU is in the lead with 10/12. They got the Nefarian Heroic World first! Grats to them.

PTR is up, you can find patch notes here.

I plan on livestreaming my first heroic dungeon on my mage after I gear her up. It shouldn't be too hard. She is an enchanter and a tailor. But, keep in mind this isn't the first time I have done heroics. I have healed for a good chunk of them on my Resto druid.

Anyway, that is all the updates for now. Later guys!

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